2018 Calcutta Registration
Calcutta Registration is Now Closed.
It’s that time of year to sign up for a fun weekend of tennis! Over Labor Day weekend 32 men and 32 women of all skill levels compete in 16 mixed doubles teams to get their names on the coveted Calcutta plaque. Details to come regarding cost and payment options. Email Kelli Defenbaugh at kellioneil@gmail.com with any questions.
One SignUp Genius will be used to register Men and Women on a first come, first served basis. This SignUp Genius will go live Wednesday July 11th at 9PM and will expire at 10PM (The names already showing on the SUG are the Calcutta Committee members). Around 10PM 7/11 we will then email everyone confirming whether you are IN or on the wait list. If you sign up, please clear your calendar for Saturday, Sunday and Monday (in case of a rain).
We have received several questions about signing your friend/spouse up using the “My Comments” feature. We have tested and discussed this at length, and EACH PLAYER MUST REGISTER WITH THEIR OWN SIGNUP GENIUS ACCOUNT. The accounts are free and this is really the only way to give everyone the same shot. If you are registering for a friend/spouse you need to log in with that player’s account.
After July 11th at 10 PM please email kellioneil@gmail.com if you would like to be added to the waitlist.